Monday 5 May 2014

Iron man

Super Name: Iron Man
Real Name: Anthony Edward Stark
Aliases: Anthony Edward Stark Tony Stark Golden Avenger Shellhead Armored Avenger Tetsujin Spare Parts Man Iron Knight Director Stark Cobalt Man
Publisher: Marvel
Creators: Stan LeeJack KirbyDon HeckLarry Lieber

Gender: Male
Height:  6'1" (6'6" in armor)
Weight: 225 lbs (previously without armor) (250 lbs with armor)
Eyes Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Identity: Publicly Known
Place of Birth: Long Island, New York
Citizenship: USA
Education: PhDs in Physics and Electrical Engineering
Occupation: Adventurer, CEO of Star Resilient, founder of the Maria Stark Foundation, former director of S.H.I.E.L.D.,CEO of Stark Industries, Stark International, Stark Enterprises, Stark Solutions, and Circuits Maximus, US Secretary of Defence, Computer technician, inventor
Character Type: Human
First Appearance:Tales of Suspense #39 - Iron Man Is Born!
Appears in: 7144 issues
Birthday: n/a
Died: The Avengers #395 - Time's EndThe Avengers #177 - The Hope and the SlaughterThe Avengers Annual #16 - The Day Death DiedThe Infinity Gauntlet #4 - Cosmic Battle on the Edge of the Universe


Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark was born in Long Island, New York, to Howard Anthony Stark and Maria Collins Carbonell Stark. In his youth, Tony Stark was a precociously intelligent young boy. When Tony was 7 he was sent to a boarding school, and during this experience he found people difficult to relate to. This was when he became fascinated by machines. By the age of 15 Tony had enrolled in MIT (The Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Boston, Massachusetts. He graduated at the top of his class at age 19 with double masters in physics and engineering.

At the age of 21, his parents were tragically killed in a car accident. Afterwards, Tony inherited Stark Industries, an unparalleled mega-conglomerate that mostly manufactured weapons for the United States military. One of his first projects as the new CEO was to purchase the manufacturer who designed his parents' car and have the faulty brake system, which was seemingly the cause of their deaths, redesigned in order to prevent any further incidents, thus saving lives. Unknown to Stark, the true architect of his parents' deaths was a business move by Republic Oil (later renamed Roxxon Oil). Lacking in business skills, Tony promoted secretary Pepper Potts to be his executive assistant and left the majority of his workload on her so that he could avoid what he saw as a burden.

During the war in Afghanistan, Stark was at one of his munitions plants testing new technology for the military when he was injured by his own land mine that lodged shrapnel near his heart. Tony was then captured by a local warlord named Wong-Chu (a lackey of the Mandarin) and forced under threat of death to create a doomsday weapon for him with another captive, the famed Nobel award-winning physicist, Yin Sen. The shrapnel was going to enter his heart and kill him, but he and the physicist created an arc reactor which kept the sharpnel away from his heart. In response, Tony built a suit of armor to help himself escape captivity. In the suit, Stark took on the warlord and his men and avenged Yin Sen's death, thus Iron Man was born.

Tony Stark made his first appearance in Tales of Suspense #39 in 1963. He was created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Don Heck, and Jack Kirby. Tony's character was loosely based on the life of the rich and successful playboy Howard Hughes. It may be argued that Iron Man symbolized the meritocracy of capitalism. In the 1960's when Iron Man was created, the threat of Communism from the USSR was huge. Not only did Iron Man fight communists and people from the Eastern Block, but he sent the message that great things could be achieved through thrift, risk and hard work, as opposed to Spider-Man's origin story a year previous whereby Peter Parker gained powers from being bitten by a

Major Stories:

James Rhodes
Secret Identity
Formation of the Avengers
Early Encounters
Alcohol Problems
Silver Armor
War Machine
The Crossing
Onslaught and Return
A New Life
Public Identity Reveal and Secretary of Defense
Avengers Disassembled and Extremis Armor
Civil War
World War Hulk
Murder Inc.
Pepper Potts At The End Of The World
Irrational Actors
The Mighty Avengers
Secret Invasion
Dark Reign
Stark Disassembled.
Heroic Age and Fear Itself
Avengers vs. X-Men


Attractive Male

Blast Power
Electricity Control

Electronic interaction
Energy Absorption
Force Field
Insanely Rich
Power Suit
Radar Sense
Super Speed
Super Strength
Unarmed Combat
Weapon Master

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