Monday 5 May 2014

Iron Fist

Real Name: Daniel Thomas Rand-K'ai
Aliases: Danny Rand Living Weapon Immortal Weapon of K'un-Lun Daredevil Daredevil 2.0 Cooper  Peyton Young Dragon Daniel Thomas
Publisher: Marvel
Creators: Gil KaneRoy Thomas
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 175 lbs (80 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Character Type: Human
First Appearance: Marvel Premiere #15 - "The Fury Of Iron Fist!"
Appears in: 1491 issues
Birthday: n/a
Died: Avengers/Invaders #8 - Cry, D'Spayre

Origin - Daniel Rand-K'ai, Iron Fist Number Sixty-Six:

Daniel Rand is the son of Wendell Rand, who had, as a youth, visited the mystic city of K'un-Lun, which materialized in the Himalayas once a decade; founded roughly a million years ago by extraterrestrials, K'un-Lun was co-ruled by the aliens' descendants and powerful beings called the Dragon Kings, who were themselves subject to the godlike sorcerer Master Khan. Wendell had saved the life of K'un-Lun's ruler Lord Tuan, who adopted as his heir, to the resentment of Tuan's son, Yu-Ti. During his time in K'un-Lun, Wendell married a woman named Shakari and fathered a daughter, Miranda Rand-K'ai. At some point, Rand won ritual combat against Davos, son of K'un-Lun's greatest warrior, Lei Kung the Thunderer, which entitled him to claim the power of Shou-Lao the Undying, a man transformed into a mystic serpent over a thousand years ago by the Dragon King Chiantang; however, although great K'un-Lun warriors had periodically wielded Shou-Lao's power as the Iron Fist, Rand declined the power. Ten years after coming to K'un-Lun, was showing Shakari the restored nexus when Yu-Ti's men attacked them. Shakari was slain, and the grief-stricken Wendall returned to Earth. Within a year, he became a successful businessman and married Heather Duncan. In his absence, Lord Tuan died and became ruler of Feng-Tu, abode of K'un-Lun's departed spirits, leaving Yu-Ti to rule K'un-Lun, while Lei Kung, shamed by Davos' defeat, banished his son to Earth.

When Daniel Rand was nine, at roughly the time K'un-Lun was scheduled to materialize, his father decided to bring him and Heather to K'un-Lun. Accompanied by Rand's business partner Harold Meachum, they traveled to the Himalayas, but Wendell fell from a mountain ledge; clutching the edge, he called to Meachum for help, but Meachum, hoping to control Rand's business shares, caused Wendell to plunge to his death. Shortly afterward, Heather sacrificed her life to protect Daniel from a wolf pack, and her spirit ascended to Feng-Tu. The denizens of K'un-Lun found Daniel and took him in, while a frostbite-crippled Meachum learned of Daniel's survival and spent the next decade preparing elaborate defenses against future attack.

Vowing to avenge his parents, Daniel Rand studied martial arts under Lei Kung the Thunderer, while growing up in K'un-Lun. His closest friends were Miranda Rand-K'ai, whom he did not know was his half-sister, and a K'un-Lun boy named Conal D'hu-Tsien. At nineteen, requested and earned an opportunity to win the power of the Iron Fist by confronting Shou-Lao the Undying, whose power resided within a flaming brazier. slew Shou-Lao, a feat no other warrior had ever accomplished, by pressing his chest to the dragon's, cutting it off from the life energy it absorbed from it's heart, which resided in a nearby brazier. This resulted in a dragon-shaped brand on his chest. He then plunged his hands into the brazier containing the dragon's heart, and gained the power of the Iron Fist.


Iron Fist was created by Roy Thomas and Gil Kane and first appeared in Marvel Premiere #15 (1974).

Major Stories:

The Iron Fist
Heroes for Hire
Civil War and Daredevil
The Last Iron Fist Story
The Seven Capital Cities of Heaven
The Mortal Iron Fist
Escape from the Eighth City
Immortal Weapons
The Heroic Age
Power Man and Iron Fist
Fear Itself
Avengers vs X-Men

Powers and Abilities:

Attractive Male
Blast Power
Energy Absorption
Energy Manipulation
Energy-Enhanced Strike
Escape Artist
Inertia Absorption
Insanely Rich
Siphon Lifeforce
Super Hearing
Unarmed Combat
Weapon Master

Master Martial Artist
Weapons Master
Nervous System Control
Skilled Acrobat

Strength level:

Without increasing his strength with chi, Danny possesses the peak human level of strength a man of his age, height, and build that exercises intensively. He is capable of lifting at least twice his body weight and can press lift at the very least 350 lbs.

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