Tuesday 13 May 2014

Ice man

 Gender: Male
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
known Relatives: William Robert Drake (father), Super Name: Iceman
Real Name: Robert Louis Drake
Publisher: Marvel  
Creators: Stan Lee,Jack Kirby  
Gender: Male  
Character Type: Mutant  
First Appearance: The X-Men #1 - X-Men
Appears in: 5572 issues  
Birthday: n/a  
Died: The Infinity Gauntlet #1 - God  
Madeline Beatrice Bass Drake (mother), Mary (cousin), Joel (cousin), Anne (aunt)
Citizenship: U.S.A.
Place of Birth: Port Washington, Long Island, New York
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Adventurer, formerly teacher, accountant, student
Education: College degree, Certified Practicing Accountant accreditation


Robert Louis "Bobby" Drake was born in Long Island, New York. When he reached puberty his mutant powers first started to manifest, he was in a constant state of cold and trembling, until he managed to keep it under control. Once when he was on a date, the town bully pushed him away and tried to make a move on Bobby's date, he became enraged and encased him in a block of ice. His date, instead of being grateful, was more scared of the fact that he was a mutant and ran away in fear.

The people of the town soon heard of the incident and went to Bobby's house, where they started to beat him, the sheriff stopped the mob and imprisoned Bobby. Later Cyclops broke into Bobby's cell and offered him a spot in the newly formed team of young mutants, he refused and began a fight with Scott, the mob returned, and began attacking both of the young mutants. Professor X stopped the mob using his mental abilities, and offered the spot once more to Bobby, who this time said yes. Bobby became Iceman, the second member of the newly formed X-Men.


Iceman was created by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee and first appeared in The X-Men #1 (1963).

Major Stories:

 The X-Men
The Champions
Returning to the X-Men
In Black
Rogue's Team
Moving To San Francisco
Utopia/Nation X

Powers:    Attractive Male
Ice Control
Shape Shifter
Size Manipulation
Super Strength
Unarmed Combat


Similar to energy manipulators as Magneto, Bobby Drakes mutant abilities are dependent on his physical condition. If he is extremely tired or has been mentally taxed his powers begin to become dysfunctional . Iceman is able to use his powers constantly for up to 5 hours before he taxes his powers to their limit and needs to rest. While in his human form Iceman still needs to eat,breathe, and sleep like normal human beings. His powers are also dependent on the level of moisture that is in his current vicinity. But while on Earth he has access to almost an unlimited amount even in a desert like area.

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