Tuesday 13 May 2014


Super Name: Archangel   
Real Name: Warren Kenneth Worthington III
Publisher: Marvel    
Creators: Jack Kirby Stan Lee    
Gender: Male    
Character Type: Mutant    
First Appearance: The X-Men #1 - X-Men    
Appears in: 5365 issues    
Birthday: n/a   
Died: Uncanny X-Force #18 - Red Sky Blue The Infinity Gauntlet #1 - God X-Factor #15 - Whose Death Is This Anyway?    


Warren Worthington III was born into an extremely rich family, but his comfortable life changed in his late teens when his mutant powers developed and he began to grow wings. Warren kept them hidden under his clothes and even wore a special harness that bound them down to his back to make them harder to notice. One night at school, a fire broke out and Warren had no choice except to jump out a window, in the hope that the wings would slow his fall. He found out that he could fly with them, and saved the other boys in his dormitory from the fire. The rescue inspired Warren to fight crime as the Avenging Angel, which brought him to the attention of Professor X). Xavier ran a school for mutants of which he secretly trained his mutant superhero team, the X-Men. When Angel first met the other X-Men, Cyclops and Iceman, he thought at first that they were thieves after a vial which he had retrieved from some thieves that night.

However, it turned out that the "vial" was actually a miniature nuclear bomb. Angel was able to fly into the atmosphere, where it was cold enough to deactivate the bomb. Angel then became one of the founding members of the X-Men (which was foreseen by the young mutant Mary Margaret many years earlier). At first Warren disguised his face with a mask, but later discarded it because he felt that his handsome, telegenic features would gain his team public support. Angel had a crush on Jean Grey at first, but Jean secretly loved Cyclops, so whenever she and Angel would go somewhere, she would try to invite Scott along as well. During a fight with Kukulcan, Cyclops missed their enemy and accidentally hit Angel with his optic beams. Angel claimed that Cyclops had done it on purpose since he also loved Jean. Angel apologized the next day, as he had been delirious. He gave up on Jean so that she could be with Cyclops, and started dating an old friend of his, Candy Southern.


Angel was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1963 and made his first ever appearance in X-Men #1. He became a regular character in this title until Len Wein and Dave Cockrum introduced the ' All New, All Different X-Men' in 1975. This title reprinted the earlier issues and in 1970 and 1971. Angel also had his own three-part solo comic published and a back-up strip in the Ka-Zar #2 and Marvel Tales # 30 comic books. After Angel left the X-Men comics for a while, he became a part of The Champions series, along with Iceman which ran from 1975 to 1978. This series was written by Tony Isabella.

Major Stories:

The X-Men
The Champions
The Defenders
X-Tinction Agenda
The Phalanx
Operation: Zero Tolerance
Fighting Death
World War Hulk
Messiah Complex
Archangel Returns
Curse of the Mutants
The Apocalypse Solution
The Dark Angel Saga
Wolverine & the X-Men


Attractive Male
Insanely Rich
Super Hearing
Super Sight
Unarmed Combat

Expert Combatant:

Angel is a skilled combatant, especially in aerial hand-to-hand combat, trained by Professor Xavier, Black Widow, and Hercules. He is considered to be the best aerial fighter in the world, capable of outsmarting and defeating much faster opponents such as the Human Torch, Quicksilver, and Iron Man.
Business Sense:

Warren is a talented businessman whose wealth ranks him in the lower part of the Fortune 500 list.

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