Saturday 3 May 2014


After X-Factor disbanded, Hank returned to the ranks of the X-Men and became the team's resident technological and medical genius, working on everything from advanced alien technology to the deadly mutant-killing Legacy Virus. Hank also continued his on/off relationship with Trish until she released information on the Virus to the public, which caused hysteria that culminated in the beating to death of a young mutant. During this tenure with the X-Men, Hank was lured into a trap and replaced in the ranks of the X-Men by the Dark Beast, an alternate-reality version of himself. Sealed behind a brick wall, Hank was nearly about to give up and let fate win when his water tube broke and spurted, revealing the grooves of a trap door in his cell. Energized by hope, Hank broke his restraints and escaped with the aid of the new government-sponsored X-Factor team. Hank returned to the X-Men, and soon after met with Trish to apologize for his previous harsh treatment of her. She forgave him and the pair renewed their relationship.

He was born in Dunphee, Illinois. Edna and Norton McCoy are his parents. Hank McCoy’s father was exposed to radiation during a meltdown when working at the nuclear power plant. Because of this, it seems to be the reason why Hank was born with unusually large feet and hands and a high I.Q. He had a huge curiosity since childhood, disassembling anything he could so he could understand the function of everything and to create a hypothesis. Because of his irregular proportions, his schoolmates teased him and gave him the nickname of "Magilla Gorilla" and "Beast". Hank only started to come out of his shell when he started tutoring Jennifer Nyles. She started to see the real Hank McCoy, and on the night of the prom she turned up at his place with a rented tuxedo and told him she was taking him to the prom. When some people started to tease them, Jennifer knocked out the leader of the taunters with one punch.

After that Hank and Jennifer were inseparable, and in love with each other, but still not going out. During Hank's teen years, his mutant abilities started to show themselves and allowed him to excel in sports and academics in school. Hank ended up joining the football team after the coach asked him to kick a football and he kicked the skin off it. However, this caused jealousy amongst his classmates.

Sadly, Hank and Jennifer went their separate ways after awhile; she traveled to London to study genetics while Hank stayed in the United States. One day, three masked men robbed the stadium and tried to escape across it. Luckily, Hank was nearby and he managed to knock out all three men. This made it to the news. The villain known only as the Conquistador decided that he could use Hank as a weapon after seeing this report. The Conquistador successfully managed to kidnap Hank and his parents, and told him that he would release them if he stole an experimental nuclear device for him.

When Hank returned, the Conquistador revealed that he would actually keep Hank's parents prisoners indefinitely, until Hank was of no more use to him. Hank tried to escape and was almost killed if it wasn't for Professor Charles Xavier, Cyclops, Iceman and Angel saving Hank, before offering a spot for him in Xavier's school (Xavier Institute for Higher Learning). The school was a haven for mutants and also the headquarters of the mutant team, the X-Men. Hank took advantage of the offer, mainly in order to further his academic intelligence and ended up completing his doctorate in biophysics at Xavier's. There, he received the codename "Beast."


Beast was created by the team of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby for the first X-Men book.

Character Evolution

Beast originally started out as a man with larger appendages and a keen intellect. He would undergo two changes in appearance: the first was into a man with blue fur and claws; the second was a further mutation into a more feline looking animal with the same blue fur. He would maintain his intellect through each change.

After X-Factor disbanded, Hank returned to the ranks of the X-Men and became the team's resident technological and medical genius, working on everything from advanced alien technology to the deadly mutant-killing Legacy Virus. Hank also continued his on/off relationship with Trish until she released information on the Virus to the public, which caused hysteria that culminated in the beating to death of a young mutant. During this tenure with the X-Men, Hank was lured into a trap and replaced in the ranks of the X-Men by the Dark Beast, an alternate-reality version of himself. Sealed behind a brick wall, Hank was nearly about to give up and let fate win when his water tube broke and spurted, revealing the grooves of a trap door in his cell. Energized by hope, Hank broke his restraints and escaped with the aid of the new government-sponsored X-Factor team. Hank returned to the X-Men, and soon after met with Trish to apologize for his previous harsh treatment of her. She forgave him and the pair renewed their relationship.

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