Saturday 10 May 2014


Super Name: Thor
Real Name: Thor Odinson
Publisher: Marvel
Creators: Stan Lee , Jack Kirby
Gender: Male
Height: (Thor) 6'6" (Blake) 5'9"
Weight: (Thor) 640 lbs (Blake) 150 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Identity: (Donald Blake) secret (Jake Olsen) secret (Sigurd Jarlson) secret
Place of Birth: A cave in Norway.
Citizenship: Asgard, honorary US citizen
Education: Tutored by scholors of Asgard, (Blake)MD, (Olsen) MD
Occupation: Warrior, Adventurer, monarch, paramedic, construction worker, (Donald Blake) surgeon
Character Type: God/Eternal
First Appearance: Venus #12 - Trapped In The Land Of Terror
Appears in: 5293 issues
Birthday: n/a
Died: Thor #85 - Ragnarok Part The Last
Fear Itself #7 - Thor's Day
Onslaught: Marvel Universe #1 - With Great Power...
The Avengers Annual #16 - The Day Death Died
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #11 - ...And Dust to Dust!


Thor Odinson - Son of Odin, God of Thunder & Prince of Asgard
Thor is the son of the Odin, All-father of the Asgardian Gods, and the elder goddess Gaea, the living embodiment of Earth itself. Thor was born centuries ago in a cave in Norway. Once Thor was weened, Odin brought him to Asgard where he was raised to be the God of Thunder and heir to the throne. As the Asgardian God of Thunder, Thor commands the thunder, the lightning the wind and all the elements of the storm with his hammer Mjolnir, which was forged from the legendary, indestructible Asgardian metal; Uru. Mjolnir gives Thor the power of flight and helps him channel, focus or amplify his own godly elemental powers. Though the hammer is quite heavy by mortal standards, It can only be lifted by those deemed worthy to do so, regardless of the would-be wielder’s physical strength. After centuries of defending Asgard from its enemies, Thor became too proud and grew headstrong. It was because of this that he was banished to Midgard (Earth) by his father to teach him some needed humility. Made mortal and given the form of the handicapped human doctor Donald Blake, Thor learned what it was like to be small and frail and how to be humble and truly noble despite being mortal. When in his mortal guise of Dr. Blake he is able to transform into his true godly form by striking his walking stick (actually Mjolnir in disguise) upon any solid surface causing the transformation that changes him into Thor and his walking stick into his hammer Mjolnir. ( In the past, this has now been taken away )


Thor was created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby based on Thor the "thunder god" of Norse Mythology. He first appeared in Journey Into Mystery #83.

Clash of Marvel Titans - Thor vs Hulk
"How do you make someone stronger than the strongest person? It finally came to me: Don't make him human — make him a god. I decided readers were already pretty familiar with the Greek and Roman gods ( Olympian gods). It might be fun to delve into the old Norse legends... Besides, I pictured Norse gods looking like Vikings of old, with the flowing beards, horned helmets, and battle clubs. ...Journey into Mystery needed a shot in the arm, so I picked Thor ... to headline the book. After writing an outline depicting the story and the characters I had in mind, I asked my brother, Larry (Leiber), to write the script because I didn't have time. ...and it was only natural for me to assign the penciling to Jack Kirby..." - Stan Lee describing his reasoning for creating Thor after previously creating the Hulk.

Major Stories:

Son of Asgard
Going to Earth
Fighting Surtur
The Celestials
Coming of Thunderstrike
Onslaught and Heroes Reborn
Heroes Return, Jake Olsen
Blood Oath
Thor, Lord of Asgard
Battle with Bor and Exile from Asgard
Heroic Age
Fear Itself
ExiledAvengers vs. X-Men
Thor: God of Thunder


Attractive Male
Berserker Strength
Blast Power
Divine Powers
Electricity Control
Energy Manipulation
Power Item
Super Speed
Super Strength
Unarmed Combat
Weapon Master
Weather Control


Thor has no specific weaknesses to a substance or magic. Since the events of Thor's hammer being nearly destroyed during his battle with Bor, Thor's life is now tied to his hammer as was Doctor Strange's warning when he repaired it. Thor's powers have fluctuated throughout the years and although at one point he was able to stalemate Zeus in a battle years ago, he himself has stated that he can only go against characters of such power with the Odin-Force. Additionally, when Thor succumbs to the "Warrior's Madness" he loses much of his higher cognitive brain function and becomes mentally erratic, unreasonable, unpredictable, savage; acting and reacting in an almost purely instinctual, animalistic and uncontrolable manner.

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