Saturday 10 May 2014

The Falcon

Super Name: Falcon
Real Name: Samuel Thomas Wilson
Aliases: Sam Wilson Blackwing Captain America Blackbird
Publisher: Marvel
Creators: Stan Lee,Gene Colan
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human
First Appearance: Captain America #117 - The Coming of the Falcon
Appears in: 1327 issues
Birthday: n/a
Died: Onslaught: Marvel Universe #1 - With Great Power

Samuel Thomas Wilson was born in Harlem, New York City, to Darlene Wilson, and Paul Wilson, a prominent minister. Sam was his parents youngest child with older sister named Sarah Wilson -Casper and a older brother named Mister Gideon Wilson. Sam's childhood started out a happy one during which he finds he has a natural affinity for birds. He takes up training pigeons, and has the largest pigeon coop in Harlem. In his teens, however, he encounters racism for the first time which leaves him frustrated, jaded, and disappointed.

On his way to Rio de Janeiro, his plane crashed and he was later found by the Red Skull. Using the Cosmic Cube, Sam gained telepathic.
communication with birds and created his Snap persona (this is a RETCON and a bad one at that since he had that ability in his childhood way before he met the Red Skull), the Red Skull turned him into the ideal fighter to take on Captain America, but Cap was able to snap Sam out the Skull's control, and together they defeated the Red Skull.

Major Stories:

Defender for a Day
Avengers Disassembled
Civil War
Heroes For Hire
Misty Knight
Avengers Vs X-Men
Moon Knight
Mighty Avengers


Animal Control
Attractive Male
Unarmed Combat
Weapon Master
Master Acrobat
Master Aerialist



Falcon's costume is Wakandan which consist of glider wings which have jet powered tips and are charged by a sunlight battery pack linked to Sams brain, a talon that he could use to capture enemies, and a mask that gives him sight in different ranges from night vision, infrared, magnification, and 360 degree view of his surroundings. He also has a glider system that employs 'hard light' wings that are created by a holographic projector.

Emitter Array:

On Falcon's back creates holographic "hard light" wings with a maximum wingspan of up to 50 feet (15 m). Controlled by a cybernetic link, the wings can be instantly reconfigured into "dozens of different cruise configurations". A "magnetic drive", in turn, provides the thrust needed to get Falcon airborne. The emitter also possesses GPS Jamming Devices that prevent satellite tracking, while the hard-light wings interfere with infra-red tracking. A Vibranium microweave was added to the costume itself, making Falcon resistant to small arms fire. The entire system is controlled mentally through cybernetic circuitry in the Falcon's mask.

Other Features:

The costume has in the past featured a hidden "talon," a cybernetically controlled grappling line built into the gauntlets of his costume which he uses to entangle opponents, hook objects, or for swinging and climbing when his wings are detached.
Character Creation:

Sam Wilson made his first appearance in Captain America #117. He was created by Stan Lee and Gene Colan.

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