Tuesday 6 May 2014

Silver Surfer

Super Name: Silver Surfer
Real Name: Norrin Radd
Aliases: Silver Savage Skyrider Sentinel of the Spaceways Keeper Captain Universe Cosmic Wanderer The Cosmic Surfer Protector of the Universe Champion of the Universe Herald of Galactus Cosmic Carnage Carnage Cosmic Dr. Norrin Radd: Sorcerer Supreme Sakaarson Sojo
Publisher: Marvel
Creators: Jack KirbyStan Lee
Gender: Male
Character Type: Alien
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #48 - The Coming of Galactus
Appears in: 1547 issues
Birthday: n/a
Died:  The Avengers Annual #16 - The Day Death DiedSilver Surfer #135 - Leap Of FaithSilver Surfer: Requiem #4 - Part Four: Agnus DeiFantastic Four #46 - It's Too Late To Stop Now!


Norrin Radd lived on the peaceful planet Zenn-La (Deneb System, Milky Way Galaxy). Utilizing scientific discovery and advancement, the Zenn-Lavians effectively eliminated the plagues commonly associated with Earth: hunger, disease, crime and war, effectively creating a Utopian society. Norrin's parents were Jartran and Elmar Radd. Jartran was a scientist and Norrin followed in his footsteps, constantly studying. Unable to cope with what Zenn-La had become, a society that had devolved into hedonism, essentially becoming directionless, Norrin’s mother Elmar committed suicide when he was very young. Nevertheless, Norrin always blamed himself for this. Norrin was nurtured by his father to become a great man. After he entered manhood his father was implicated in the theft of another scientist's ideas. When Norrin confronted his father he admitted negligence. Disgusted by his father’s actions, Norrin withdrew from him. Evidently depressed by his indiscretion, which was made public by the local media and the evident lack of support by his son, Jartran committed suicide.
Like his mother and father, Norrin also dreamed of a society that had more substance. He believed that no goals were left to be achieved on Zenn-La. He was filled with discontent and often went to the museum to watch holograms of Zenn-La's past, such as wars and space travel. This often troubled his girlfriend, Shalla Bal. She believed they had all they could ever want together, but Norrin always dreamed of more.


First Cover Appearance - Fantastic Four #49
Silver Surfer was created and designed by Jack Kirby as an extra character added on to the story of where the Fantastic Four's first encounters the world devouring Galactus. When Stan Lee and Jack Kirby planned on developing the introduction of Galactus in the Fantastic Four series, Jack Kirby was responsible for the design and creation of the new characters involved with storyline.

Adding an extra character into the storyline without Stan Lee's knowledge, Kirby would design a character that is seen as a herald of Galactus who eventually turns on him in the end. Tired of designing characters involved with spaceships, he designed this character riding a surfboard. At first, Stan Lee was unsure of Kirby's extra character in the Galactus story because of how he was designed. But after realizing his motives and role in the story, Lee finally accepted the character for the storyline and the Silver Surfer was born.
The Surfer was introduced to comics in Fantastic Four #48 - "The Coming of Galactus" - March 1966.

Major Stories:

Trapped on Earth
Free at Last
Infinity Gauntlet
Infinity War
The Herald Ordeal
The Return of Tyrant
Infinity Crusade
Blood and Thunder
Down to Earth
The Curse of the Power Cosmic
The Star Masters
The Savior of Another Universe
The Soul
The Body
Loss of Emotion and Death
The Mergence
Second Death
The Great Ark
The Burnt Offering
In Thy Name
Planet Hulk
The New Fantastic Four
Fall of Orbucen
Return of the Silver Savage
The "Death" of Galactus
The Thanos Imperative
Chaos War
Back on Earth
The Annihilators
The Galactus Seed


Attractive Male
Blast Power
Cosmic Awareness
Energy Absorption
Energy Manipulation
Energy-Enhanced Strike
Illusion Casting
Inertia Absorption
Phasing / Ghost
Power Item
Reality Manpulation
Shape Shifter
Super Sight
Super Speed
Super Strength
Time Travel
Unarmed Combat

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