Tuesday 6 May 2014

Savage Dragon

 Super Name: Savage Dragon
Real Name: Kurr
Aliases: Dragon Officer Dragon Mr. Dragon Bomb Boy Paul Dragon William Jonson Kurr
Publisher: Image
Creators: Erik Larsen
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10" (6'6" to top of fin)
Weight: 450 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black (body hair only)
Other Distinguishing Features: Disproportionately large upper body and arms, green skin, a fin on his head, 2 toes on each foot, and enlarged canine teeth
Identity: Publicly known
Occupation: Adventurer, crimefighter; former Emperor, police officer, bounty hunter, government agent, and author
Citizenship: Displaced Krylan (alien) citizen, Naturalized United States citizen
Place of Birth: Unknown
Education: Implanted education of unspecified type; possesses extensive training in police procedures, legal codes, and firearms as well as being extensively self-read in various books
Martial Status: Widowerer
Known Relatives: Emperor Kurr (son), Malcom Dragon (son), Jennifer Murphy (wife, deceased), Angel Murphy (step-daughter)
Character Type: Alien
First Appearance: Graphic Fantasy #2 - Possession
Appears in: 418 issues
Birthday: n/a
Died: Savage Dragon #168 - Emperor Dragon, Part Eight: This Ravaged World


Emperor Kurr Dragon
Savage Dragon was actually Emperor Kurr, the leader of a nomadic race of aliens who were looking for a new planet to inhabit. They had searched space in their starship for thousands of years, until finally Earth was discovered. Kurr saw the planet and its inhabitants, and decided to go against his races peaceful ways and eradicate the humans. He had no desire to share his new home with another race. Two of the emperor's scientists, Rech and Weiko, discovered Kurr's plan and conspired against him. The scientists caused brain damage which erased Kurr's memories These erased memories were replaced with several days worth of Earth's satellite television programming, making him up to date on current events, but completely unaware of who or what he was. Kurr was left to live on Earth as his race continued their search for a new home.


Savage Dragon created by Erik Larsen. Like many of his creations, the Dragon was originally created in his youth and drew a number of elements from such wildly diverse sources as Captain Marvel, Batman, Speed Racer, and the Incredible Hulk. In his youth, Larsen and two friends printed a fanzine called Graphic Fantasy based on his creation. When working on Gary Carlson's book Megaton, Larsen created a slightly revised version of the character to guest star in a backup feature in the 1980's.

In 1992 when Erik Larsen left Marvel Comics to co-found Image Comics, he decided to rework and redesign his old faithful character to make the transition with him. As of today, the Savage Dragon remains only one of two original Image comic book titles (the other being Spawn) that continues to be printed to this day and the only one that is still being written and drawn by it's creator, Erik Larsen.

The Savage Dragon series is also the longest running full-color comic book that has featured a single writer/artist; although David Sim's Cerebus the Aardvark continues to hold the title of the longest running black and white comic book featuring a single writer/artist with 300 issues.

Savage Dragon's origin was finally revealed with the release of the Image Comics 10th Anniversary hardcover book which revealed that our protective Savage Dragon was once actually the ruthless and remorseless Emperor Kurr.

Character Evolution:

Graphic Fantasy
Image Universe

Major Stories:

Officer Dragon
Dragon Kills Overlord
Rapture is Pregnant
Dragon Former The S.O.S.
Dragon In The Body of William Johnson
Dragon Meets Malcolm Dragon
Savage World
Mr. Glum Takes Over The World
The Search for Smasher
Dragon Team-Ups

Powers and Abilities:

Attractive Male
Berserker Strength
Super Speed
Super Strength
Unarmed Combat
Weapon Master

Other Versions:

Dark Dragon

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