Monday 5 May 2014

Human Torch


Real Name:            Jonathan Lowell Spencer Storm
Current Alias:       Human Torch
Gender:                 Male
Height:                  5'10"
Weight:                 170 lbs (77 kg)
Eyes:                     Blue
Hair:                     Blond
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #1 (Nov. 1961)
Creators:              Stan Lee , Jack Kirby
Publisher:             Marvel


Human Torch was created by the writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby and first appeared in Fantastic Four# 1 in 1961.


Johnny Storm is the son of physician Franklin Storm and his wife Mary. He and his older sister Susan grew up in Glenville, New York. While still young, his mother was in a terrible car accident and she passed away, despite Franklin’s attempts to repair her body. After this tragic event, Franklin fell into a downward spiral of drinking and gambling, eventually leading to his arrest for the murder of a loan shark, which he claimed was self-defense. Johnny and Sue were then sent to their Aunt’s to live and Sue spend much time caring for her younger brother.

As a teen, Johnny and his sister met a scientist named Reed Richards and volunteered to go on an experimental rocket designed by Reed. The rocket would help humanity fly to the stars if everything worked as planned. But the ship was not properly shielded from cosmic radiation and plummeted back to the Earth’s surface.

They all survived the horrific crash but very soon found they had been changed. Sue, Reed and the pilot, Ben Grimm, gained super powers as a result. Johnny burst into flame and soon realized he could fly. On the spot they all agreed to use their powers for good and become the Fantastic Four.

Still young and rebellious, Johnny was ecstatic to have his new found powers. Labeled the hot head of the group, Johnny would often make brash decisions and disobey direct orders. Although his sister would try to calm him, Johnny often had issues with following Reed’s orders. He would quit the team early on (and many more times) because of his temper.

While at a local bar trying to avoid the other members of the team, Johnny recognized a man who claimed to be an amnesiac. Trying to see if he was right, he dropped the man in the ocean and his assumptions were correct – it was Namor, the King of the Sea. Learning Atlantis was destroyed; Namor waged war against the surface. Johnny helped the other team members stop him and rejoined the team, finally having cooled off a bit.

Major Stories:

Frightful Four
Secret Wars
Skrull Homeworld
Infinity War
Infinity Crusade
Counter Earth
Civil War
Team Turmoil

Powers & Abilities:

Attractive Male
Blast Power
Fire Control
Flame Breath
Heat Generation
Light Projection
Super Speed
Unarmed Combat


The Human Torch requires oxygen to use his flame powers. Without it, he would not be able to flame on or would be soon extinguished.

The Human Torch burns through energy rather quickly depending on his energy expenditure. Special attacks such as the Nova Flame could easily deplete his energy reserves.

It takes incredible focus to control his heat powers and must be a constant thought. Johnny has learned well over the years to control this

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