Tuesday 6 May 2014

Professor X

Real Name: Charles Francis Xavier
Current Alias: Professor X
Aliases: Xavier, Prisoner M-13, Onslaught, Charley, Chuck, Charlie
Alignment: Good
Identity :Public Identity
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Divorced
Occupation: Mutant leader, mutant rights activist, geneticist, teacher, adventurer, heir, formerly headmaster, soldier
Education: Ph.D.s in Genetics, Biophysics, Psychology, Anthropology, and Psychiatry at Oxford University and Columbia University. Undergraduate studies were conducted at Harvard University, where he graduated with honors at the age of 16.
Gender: Male
Height :6' 0"
Weight :190 lbs (86 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Bald, (formerly blond
Origin :Mutant
Universe: Earth-616
Place of Birth: New York City, New York
Created by :Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
First appearance: Appearance of Death
X-Men #1 , Avengers vs. X-Men #11


Charles Xavier was born into a wealthy family and was the son of a nuclear researcher named Brian Xavier. His powers come into light when he read the mind of a man who could have saved his father from a terrible accident. That man ended up marrying Charles' mother, Sharon Xavier.


Professor Xavier was created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, first appearing in X-Men #1 in 1963. His character was inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his physical inspiration was actor Yul Brynner.

Character Evolution:

Charles Xavier had a vision of a world where humans and mutant could live together and benefit from each other strengths. Xavier tried to achieve this by promoting the peaceful affirmation of mutant rights, facilitating the co-existence of mutants and humans, protecting mutants from humans, protecting humans from the evil mutants such as Magneto. His school for higher learning helped him reach out to young mutants and help mold them into responsible mutants who only used their powers for the benefits of all mankind. His relationship with the member of hi school and its staff is later strained by his need to manipulate them to serve his purposes.

Major Stories:

Exploring The World
Meeting Magneto
Forming The X-Men
New Mutants
Muir Island Saga
X-Cutioner's Song and a new Team
Onslaught and Joseph
The Twelve
Moira's Death
Dream's End
Juggernaut Reformed
Riot At Xavier's
House Of M
Deadly Genesis
World War Hulk
Messiah Complex
X-Men Legacy
Dark Reign
Nation X
Second Coming
Avengers VS X-Men
Aftermath of Avengers VS X-Men
Xavier's Dark Side

Powers and Abilities:

Professor X is one the most powerful telepathic mutants in the world, perhaps second only to the Phoenix. He is able to read minds and communicate telepathically on a high level nearly anywhere around the world or even on a galactic level. With his telepathic power Professor X can manipulate, erase and create memories, control the actions of people and can mentally harm someone even to the degree of striking them with death. His gift allows him to opens channels of communication and plant suggestive thoughts even if a person is extremely far away. He is considered a very intelligent man, being able to learn things quickly by accessing someone's brain and learning from there. He can also give his teachings to other people by telepathy, and they can learn as quickly as him as well. This includes learning alien languages too. Xavier can also alter reality to a degree when Xavier trains a new group of mutants telepathically which seems as if they've only been learning for months when in reality it was in hours. He also has the ability to project his astral form and control the astral plane.

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