Tuesday 6 May 2014


Super Name: Nightcrawler
Real Name: Kurt Wagner
Publisher: Marvel
Creators: Len Wein , Dave Cockrum
Gender: Male
Character Type: Mutant
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 161 lbs.
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Indigo
Nationality: German
Place of Birth: Bavaria, Germany
Education: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters (College Level Courses)
Occupation: Adventurer, former Priest, Circus Performer
Skin: Blue


Kurt Wagner is the product of a love affair between two mutants, both with origins that have never fully been explained. His mother was the terrorist Mystique, who at the time was the wife of Baron Christian Wagner, believed to be the father of Nightcrawler for a long time. In truth, his father is the Neyaphem warlord, Azazel, who had a great master plan to impregnate earth women with his children so he could escape the brimstone dimension.

When Nightcrawler was born, the townsfolk were horrified by Mystique' son's demonic appearance and so she threw him into a river, shape-shifted into another form and then claimed that she had killed the son and the mother. Azazel would not allow his son to die, so he saved him and gave him to one of his other lovers (and servant) Margali Szardos to raise. Margali tells a different tale to hide the truth and says that Nightcrawler was discovered by her when she was walking by his house. She discovered his father, Eric Wagner, had died of a heart attack outside and found his mother lying next to him dead. Margali took him in and raised him along with her real children Stefan and Jimaine (later known as Amanda Sefton) at the Bavarian circus. She worked as a fortune teller to hide the truth about her sorcery. Kurt had amazing agility and soon his mutant abilities would manifest. Because of these gifts, he did acrobat shows for the circus audience, while people assumed it was a man in a costume.

When a millionaire circus owner from Texas approached them join his circus, he planned to move the circus to America and demanded that Kurt be in the freak show. Kurt was appalled at this, so he quit the circus and headed to Winzeldorf, Germany. He arrives there to find that his brother Stefan went insane and had been murdering children. Kurt battles him, hoping to stop the atrocity, but accidentally kills Stefan by breaking his neck. He tried to tell Margali about her son but she was not at the circus at the time. The coincidence is that, as children, Stefan had made Kurt swear to kill him if ever he took an innocent life. In turn, the villagers thought Kurt was the demon that killed the children.


Nightcrawler was created by writer Len Wein and artist Dave Cockrum.Cockrum was working for DC comics at the time of his conception, he was originally supposed to be a demon from hell that failed a mission and was banished. He was to be a member of the Legion of Super Heroes. He made his debut in Giant Size X-Men #1 in 1975.

Character Evolution:

When he was first introduced, Nightcrawler struggled to be accepted by society at large, as well as by other mutants. Even so, he was usually a light-hearted character, quick to make jest or pull pranks on his fellow X-Men. He was also quite the ladies' man. As time went on, more focus was placed on Nightcrawler's Catholic faith and how he deals with the tragic experiences of his life. He became more of a sullen, introspective character, especially during his time with the team Excalibur. After returning to the United States, Nightcrawler planned to join the priesthood, but was forced back into the life of costumed adventuring before being officially ordained.

Major Stories:

Joining the X-Men
Further Adventures with the X-Men
Mutant Massacre
Return to the X-Men
Becoming a Priest
Leader and Solo Adventures
Messiah Complex
Divided We Stand
Second Coming
Wolverine Goes To Hell
Amazing X-Men

Powers and Abilities:

Kurt's mutant power is teleportation. He is actually opening a portal to and traveling almost instantaneously through another dimension. When teleporting, Kurt leaves behind a whiff of brimstone and a characteristic "bamf" sound as the air rushes into the space where he once was. After some training sessions, Kurt has developed the ability to bring more with him when he teleports, including water or other people. Kurt's teleportation range is limited, but he can travel up to two miles. He must also have visited the place before, or he risks teleporting into a solid object, which could be fatal as two things cannot occupy the same space in that particular instant in time. Kurt has a spatial awareness, which means depending on the distance he teleports he has a way of not ending up in walls.


  1. This is a very helpful summary of Kurt Wagner! Thank you! Also I was wondering if you could give the names of the creators of the art you used? I'm very interested to know. Thanks again!

  2. This is a very helpful summary of Kurt Wagner! Thank you! Also I was wondering if you could give the names of the creators of the art you used? I'm very interested to know. Thanks again!
