Tuesday 6 May 2014

Mr. Fantastic

Super Name: Mr. Fantastic
Real Name: Reed Richards
Aliases: Reed Richards Invincible Man Reed Benjamin Richard Reed Mister Fantastic Big Brain Stretch Dr. Richards The Man in the Mystery Mask Doctor Doom Mister Elastic Maker
Publisher: Marvel
Creators: Jack KirbyStan Lee
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown with gray around the temples
Character Type: Radiation
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #1 - The Fantastic Four!
Appears in: 5237 issues
Birthday: n/a
Died: Onslaught: Marvel Universe #1 - With Great Power...The Infinity Gauntlet #1 - GodMarvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #11 - ...And Dust to Dust!

Reed Richards was born in Central City, California and the son of Nathaniel and Evelyn Richards. Reed’s father was a brilliant scientific genius and a trait that Reed inherited. Reed excelled in mathematics, physics, and mechanics and was enrolled in college by the age of 14. He went to multiple colleges including Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Columbia University, and Empire State University. While attending EMU he met and became a roommate of Ben Grimm. They became great friends and Reed shared his dream of building a spaceship himself.

After EMU, Reed continued to go to school at Columbia University, and he rented an apartment from Sue Storm's Aunt. Sue quickly fell in love with Reed. Reed, also met Victor Von Doom, while attending Columbia University. Doom loved that Reed could rival his intellect. Eventually Doom became jealous of Reed and began conducting reckless experiments that scarred his face.

Reed next enrolled at Harvard and earned his P.H.D. in physics and a mastery in mechanical, aerospace and electrical engineering, chemistry and all levels of human and alien biology by the age of 22. After he was done with school he used his inheritance and government funding to finance his project. He began building his spaceship in Central City. Sue Storm would move to this same area and eventually found herself dating Reed again. Reed would ask Ben to pilot the ship for him. The government denied the flight into space so Reed, Sue, Ben, and Johnny decided to sneak onto the ship and they took the ship into outer space. Reed miscalculated and forgot the abnormality of the radiation from the cosmic radiation. The rays destroyed the ship and they crash-landed back on earth. After the crash Reed found out that he could stretch his body like elastic at will. Reed adopts the name Mr. Fantastic and convinces the four of them to use their powers for good.


Mr. Fantastic was created and developed by the writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby. It has been rumored for years now that Stan Lee received his inspiration to create the Fantastic Four from DC's Sea Devils team. If true, the creation of Reed Richards was loosely based upon Dane Dorrance, the leader of the Sea Devils.

Major Stories:

Becoming Superheroes
A Son for the Genius
Return Home
Civil War
World War Hulk
Secret Invasion
Dark Reign
Solve Everything

Powers and Abilities"


Attractive Male
Insanely Rich
Shape Shifter
Size Manipulation
Unarmed Combat

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