Monday 5 May 2014


Characteristics :

Real Name: Remy Etienne LeBeau
Gender: Male

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 179 lbs
Eyes: Burning Red
Hair: Brown
Unusual Features: Burning red eyes
Citizenship: U.S.A.
Marital Status: Widower
Occupation: Unknown; Adventurer; formerly Professional Thief
Education: No official schooling in Data-Base
Place of Birth: New Orleans, Louisiana
Identity: Publicly known
Aliases: Death, Le Diable Blanc, formerly Robert Lord, Cajun, Gumbo, Swamp Rat
Creators: Chris Claremont and Jim Lee
First appearance: First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #266 (Aug. 1990)


Remy Etienne LeBeau, the mutant who would later become Gambit was abandoned at birth by his birth father, due to his unusual red-on-black eyes (they believed their child was of satanic origins). He was stolen from a New Orleans orphanage by the Thieves Guild and given to Antiquary, a collector of children, who considered Remy a perfect work of art. There he was given the name Remy and the title Le Diable Blanc (The White Devil), because of an old Guild Prophecy that spoke of a white devil.

However, Jean-Luc LeBeau greatly disliked the idea of the child being in Antiquary 's care, and arranged for Remy to grow up being watched by a gang of street thieves known as Fagan's Mob instead. At age eight, Remy met and befriended a young girl named Bella Donna. A few days later, he was taken in and adopted by the leader of the Thieves Guild, Jean-Luc himself, after a failed pickpocket attempt which had been secretly arranged by Jean to meet with the young mutant.


Gambit was created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Jim Lee. Gambit's first published appearance was in The Uncanny X-Men Annual #14 but this issue happens after his first full appearance in The Uncanny X-Men #266.

Major Stories:

Julien's Revenge
Enter Gambit
Wolverine/Gambit: Victims
The Trial of Gambit
The Hunt for the Tomorrow Stone
The Sunset Dawn
X-Treme X-Men
Horsemen of The Apocalypse
Blinded By The Light
Messiah Complex
Divided We Stand
Second Coming
Curse of The Mutants
Age of X

Powers & Abilities:

Gambit has the mutant ability to tap into the potential energy contained within an object and transform it into kinetic energy by touching it. When Gambit thus charges an object and throws it at a target, the object releases this energy explosively on contact. Gambit over the years has seemingly grown into the ability to charge organic material. This was shown in such instances as charging Sebastian Shaw, stating he could charge anything or anyone. He also charged Daken's arm and once used a small lizard as a bomb.

He was able to use his power simply by looking at an object that he wished to charge, including living objects. Gambit could also manipulate the potency of the energy release and could even exercise a measure of control over time. With access to his full power, Gambit is able to manipulate the potency of his bio-kinetic energy to burn, cause molecular discomfort, incinerate and create timed detonations. However, he burns out all of his power after fighting New Son, and it is left back at it's normal level.

Gambit's mutation gives him red and black eyes
Gambit is also able to heal himself by stimulating his cellular activity, although this ability has only been demonstrated once.

After having a card explode in his face and being blinded, Gambit showed the ability to see the future in his cards. A tarot reading ability that was only shown while he was blind.

Gambit's ability to tap into energy also grants him superhuman agility and dexterity, as well as creating a static interference that shields his mind from detection and intrusion by even the most powerful telepaths.

Gambit also possesses a hypnotic charm that allows him to exert a subtle influence over any sentient mind. This power allows Gambit to compel others to believe what he says and agree with anything he suggests. However, powerful minds have proven immune to Gambit's charm.

Other Abilities:

Remy is an expert weapon fighter. He specializes in the Savate style of fighting with a Bo staff, while he is also trained in traditional dueling and fencing. He can throw small objects with extraordinary accuracy. Though never confirmed, this uncanny accuracy may be a factor of his mutant powers, given that he very often throws playing cards much farther and with much greater accuracy than any human has ever been known to achieve.

Gambit often wields playing cards and a telescopic bo staff.

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