Saturday 3 May 2014

Captain Britain


Born and raised in the quaint English town of Maldon in Essex, Brian Braddock lived a quiet life with his family. He has two siblings, elder brother Jamie Braddock and twin sister Betsy Braddock. After his parents' death in what appeared to be a lab accident (but was later revealed to be their murder by the sentient computer Sir James Braddock had built), Brian left his family home to study at the Thames University in London. During a term break Brian worked at Darkmoor Nuclear Research Facility. Whist working at Darkmoor the facility is attacked by a villain know as the Reaver, intent on kidnapping the scientists to sell to various dictatorships. Brian escaped and tried to reach help on his motorcycle but the Reaver, who wanted the authorities to believe the scientists had died in a reactor accident, ran Brian off the road. He crashed down the side of a cliff, and was fatally wounded, but woke to find himself faced by the image of the magician Merlyn and his daughter, Roma (then calling herself the Lady of the Northern Skies).

This mystical pair offer him the chance to save his life. As the Reaver and his men closed in to finish Brian off, the two mages gave Brian a choice between the ' Amulet of Right' and the ' Sword of Might'. Deciding he wasn't much of a fighter, he selected the amulet and was transformed into Captain Britain, easily defeating the Reaver's men. The Reaver grabbed the sword and was likewise transformed, but despite this Brian still managed to defeat him and rescue Darkmoor's scientist. From then on, whenever Brian wanted or needed to be Captain Britain, all he had to do was touch the Amulet of Right.


Captain Britain was created by Chris Claremont and Herb Trimpe.

Character Evolution

Whilst still new to being Captain Britain, Brian juggled his university course (studying physics) with some crime fighting on the side. After becoming more established due to stopping a string of bank robberies he was named "Britain's first Super Hero". This unsurprisingly brought him to the attention of his first powered adversary named Hurricane, who had, unknown to Hurricane, been empowered by Merlyn's foes, the Nethergods. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts to stop the Hurricane Brian managed to capture him.

Major Stories:
Betsy Braddock as Captain Britain
The New Excalibur
Death and Rebirth
Captain Britain and MI:13
Captain Britain an Avenger
Trial of Fantoex

Powers and Abilities

Captain Britain's powers have changed over time from his first encounter with Merlyn to his present-day abilities. Originally his powers were derived from power items such as the Amulet of Right but have evolved and changed to become the innate magic based abilities that he has today.

When Brian touched the Amulet of Right he was instantly transformed into Captain Britain. This gave him super strength, stamina and agility as well as manifested his staff that possessed the ability to create a force shield and project powerful energy blasts.

The Star Sceptre was created by Merlyn from the original staff. Retaining it's other abilities it also increased Captain Britain's strength and granted him the ability to fly for 15 minute periods. The Sceptre would also elongate so that it could be used as a staff weapon.

His costume gives him a certain degree of flight, while boosting his strength to around 90 tons. He is also given durability, allowing him to fall from great heights to get hit with bazooka missiles. As well, he gets heightened agility, senses, and reflexes.

When Merlyn resurrected Captain Britain during the Skrull invasion, he remade him with new powers. Captain Britain is now created from Magic and his power comes from the friction between dimensions. His strength, speed, stamina and reflexes are still enhanced to superhuman levels but he does not possess any power items. The new Captain Britain is still near invulnerable and able fly unaided. His power levels now depend on his confidence and willpower and his full power is as yet unknown. He also has a very powerful unconscious mind making him near immune to mind control abilities. How powerful Captain Britain now is is still unknown but it is said that he is at least as powerful as he was before his resurrection.

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