Saturday 3 May 2014

Booster Gold

Michael Jon Carter, alias Booster Gold was born on December 29th, in the year 2442. Using the technology he stole from the 25th Century, Michael became a superhero saving the life of the President of the United States on his first adventure. This act rewarded him with instant fame, which he cashed in on, becoming quite wealthy. Unfortunately, Booster's manager stole a large amount of his money, leaving him with only a little.


Michael Jon Carter and his sister Michelle Carter where born as twins to a loving mother and an irresponsible father in Gotham City in the 25th Century. On their 4th birthday, their father left the household to pursue his true love, gambling, leaving a huge gambling debt behind for the struggling family. Michael became a football player in college with the nickname "Booster", hoping that he would make it into the big leagues, when his mother was suffering from a debilitating disease that required a treatment that his family could not afford. Turning to the same vice as his father, Michael made bets and purposely threw games in order to earn enough money for the treatment. After his mother was cured, Michael was arrested and put in jail for gambling, instantly breaking his mother's heart.

After he was set free from jail, Michael managed to get a job as a security officer for the Metropolis Space Museum, where he saw images of superheroes from the 20th Century that were legends in his time. Deciding to change his life and become a superhero himself, Michael stole some artifacts from the museum as well as the security robot Skeets and used Rip Hunter's time machine to travel back to the late 20th Century. It was there that he made his public debut, saving the life of the President of the United States from the Chiller as the new superhero Goldstar. Nervous, Michael misspoke on live television and got stuck with the name Booster Gold instead.


Booster Gold was created by Dan Jurgens. His first appearance was in Booster Gold #1 (February 1986). Booster was the first important new DC character made known in the Universe after Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Major Stories:
Booster Begins His Super-Hero Career
Enter Goldstar II
Booster Declares Bankruptcy on Goldstar Company
Justice League International and The Conglomerate
The Death of Superman
Extreme Justice
The Superbuddies Heroes for the Common Man
The OMAC Project and Infinite Crisis
Booster Finds The New Blue Beetle
The Death of Booster Gold?
Skeet's Hunt for Rip Hunter
The Return of Booster Gold
World War 3
The New Multiverse
Booster Gold: The Greatest Super-Hero That Nobody Knows
Booster Meets Green Lantern Sinestro
The New Supernova
Changing History
Blackest Night
The Tomorrow Memory
Booster Being a Father Figure
Justice League Generation Lost
Booster Leads The Team
Booster Fights Maxwell Lord
The Blue and The Gold Are Back
Booster Travel to WWII, to Save Rani
Booster Goes to Jail
Time Masters

Powers and Abilities:

Booster Gold has the possessing of a Legion Flight Ring, Brainiac 5's Force Field Belt, and a power suit.

Power Suit:

Booster Gold's gauntlets
His future-tech power suit grants him enhanced strength, and wrist projectors that allow him to release powerful force bolts. He has since had many other suits, but his most recent provides all the same functions that his original suit and technology provided. The suit enhances his strength, allowing him to lift c. 200 tons without exerting himself he has displayed in the past lifting a 747 while still being able to fly. The suit is highly durable, withstanding bullets without losing its integrity. The suit also is equipped with a force field, able to withstand powerful impact forces. The field once withstood a punch from Doomsday, protecting Booster Gold from the latter's attacks. The field can also filter atmospheric air to clean it from germs and pollution. While he doesn't use his wrist blasters often, Booster's force fields are immensely powerful, and have saved him on many occasions, his blasters have been shown capable of melting several meters of solid concrete. His gauntlets also allow him to create and absorbing field which acts similar to a tractor beam, in which he can grab hold of objects and move them about or hurdle them at foes, This affect can be used as singular beam or wide field he has been able to pull together over thirty large metal balls all over 500 pounds each. He is also capable of disrupting objects on a molecular level such as fusing them together. He once used a regular field to contain Metamorpho completely with no problem.

He also has had time traveling technology installed into his suit.


As well Booster's sense's are all amplified by his goggles and future technology. He can perceive the entire electromagnetic spectrum including but not limited to infra red, ultra violet, x-ray, and more. The goggles also serve as a telescopic and microscopic vision and protection from sudden flashes. His hearing is as well amplified to super human levels allowing him to hear things no other human can hear.


For the better part of his time in the 20th and 21st century, Booster has had with him a Space Museum Security robot by the name of Skeets, who possessed vast historical knowledge. Skeets has also been shown to have offensive capabilities such as blasters similar to Booster's gauntlets. Booster repeatedly uses Skeets' records to inform him of future events. Gold also possessed limited and vague Time Travel technology, although it is unclear what exactly he used to travel back to the 25th century, having apparently used Rip Hunter's time sphere to get to the 20th century initially. Skeets is also shown as being able to hack in to nigh-any computer system he has encountered.


Since Booster comes from the future, he has a significant amount of knowledge of his history, or our present. This means that he sometimes knows events that will happen in our future and the information that other heroes may not have. Skeets' vast historical knowledge also contributes to this.


Booster Gold sometimes travels in time in the time-sphere.

Posted By: Unknown

Booster Gold

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