Saturday 3 May 2014

Barry Allen (The Flash)

Super Name: Barry Allen   
Real Name : Bartholomew Henry Allen    
Publisher: DC Comics   
Creators: Robert Kanigher John Broome Carmine Infantino
Gender: Male    
Character Type: Human   
First Appearance: Showcase #4 - Mystery of the Human Thunderbolt / The Man Who Broke the Time Barrier    
Appears in: 1976 issues   
Birthday: n/a   
Died: Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 - A Flash of the Lightning    
Barry Allen is The Flash, the fastest man alive. Using his super-speed powers, he taps into the Speed Force and becomes a costumed crime-fighter. His position is a legacy in the Flash Family, successor to the original Jay Garrick and predecessor to Wally West. He is a founding member of the Justice League of America.

Barry Allen and his twin brother were born on March 19, two weeks late, to Henry and Nora Allen in the small midwestern town of Fallville, Iowa. The brother was pronounced stillborn by Dr. Gilmore. However, in actuality, he had been born healthy, but given to another family, the Thawne's, whose child had died during birth. The lateness of Barry's birth only foreshadowed his bad habit of always being late. Barry grew up reading the adventures of his favorite super hero, Jay Garrick, the original Flash, and acted many of his hero's adventures out with his friend and future actress, Daphne Dean. When he was a child, his mother was killed and his father was convicted of the crime. The drive to prove his father was innocent gave Barry a strong belief in justice. In high school, Barry had a reputation for being slow and easy-going. On his first date, he went to a carnival. His date had wanted to put a little motion in his life, and they went on the roller coaster first thing. Because of this, he developed a fear of roller coasters, a fear that he didn't get rid of until much later in his life. Barry loved chemistry from an early age, and that helped his skills as a farmer. He won first place in the Fallville County Fair Agricultural Competition, a prize which included a scholarship to Sun City University. He graduated in three years with a major in organic chemistry and a minor in criminology.
The Flash
Deciding to use his powers to help humanity, Barry designed a special costume. He used a special cold cast polyester he developed in college, which could be molded into miniature outfits from liquid material, that, when submersed in a special liquid, became sensitive to hydrogen, expanding on contact with the hydrogen in the air. A charge from a battery-powered ring he wore on his finger caused the fabric to release the extra hydrogen and shrink into the ring. He later revised the process, making the fabric sensitive to nitrogen instead. He called himself the Flash, a tribute to his childhood idol. He briefly considered wearing a costume that would show his face, like Jay had, but decided that it would be best to wear a mask to conceal his true identity.[1] The first villain he faced was the Turtle Man.

Powers and Abilities:

Speed Force Conduit
Accelerated Healing
Decelerated Aging
Energy Construct Creation
Increased Perceptions
Infinite Mass Punch
Self Sustenance
Sharing The Force
Speed Force Aura
Speed Force Conduit
Steal Speed
Supercharged Brain Activity
Superhuman Endurance
Superhuman Speed
Vortex Creations

Super Speed Reading: He is capable of speed-reading at superhuman rates, accumalating mass amounts of knowledge in seconds. 
Master Detective: Barry is skilled as a forensic scientist.
Forensic Pathology
Chemistry: As a forensic scientist, he is an expert chemist.
Criminology: As a police officer/forensic scientist, Barry is adept in criminal psychology and often discusses these topics with Batman.
Hope: Barry has the ability to instill hope in others to such a degree, he can successfully use a Blue Lantern Corps's Blue Lantern Power Ring.


Barry has shown that he is able to carry several people at a time when evacuating a dangerous area, whether feats like this are performed while running on adrenalin is not known. Barry possesses the strength level of a man his age, size and weight who engages in intensive regular exercise, and can at least press lift his own body weight. However, his powers allow him to throw punches at speeds that, on impact, can have the same effect someone with superhuman strength can have.


Inexperience with Time Travel: At first, it was believed that Barry could not affect or change his own past when he travelled through time, just like Professor Zoom. In the Flashpoint, this was revealed to be false. However, Barry does not know how to control this ability, and when he tried to save his mother from Professor Zoom, he ended up siginificantly changing his friends's lives.
Costume Ring
Former Equipment
Blue Lantern Power Battery
White Lantern Power Battery
Former Weapons
Blue Lantern Power Ring
White Lantern Power Ring

Posted By: Unknown

Barry Allen (The Flash)

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